Florida Girls

Ended Wednesday / 7:00pm Pop TV 25 min.
Four girls living in Small Town, Florida re-examine their lives after their only ambitious friend moves away to follow her dreams.

Season 1

10 Episodes

After major setbacks, the girls struggle to pull off Kaitlin�s party. Meanwhile, Shelby has an existential crisis about her future, and Erica teams up with Shelby�s mom to scam a pharmacy.
Aug 07 2019
On the eve of Shelby�s GED test and Kaitlin�s �Island party of the year,� the girls get a surprise visit from Mandy who admits the real world sucks. This bombshell makes Shelby question whether or not she wants to get her GED at all.
Aug 07 2019
Tired of Erica mooching off everyone, Shelby gives her an ultimatum; get on food stamps or move out. However, after a disturbing visit to Erica�s mom�s house, Shelby realizes why Erica is such a mess. Meanwhile, Kaitlin and Jayla try to repair a broken boat and broken relationships.
Jul 31 2019
Shelby�s plans to go to sleep early on a weeknight go out the window once Kaitlin�s toxic boyfriend comes back in to town. Unable to squash the drama that unfolds, the girls spend all night following Devo around town to disastrous results.
Jul 31 2019
While buying books for her GED classes, Shelby comes across a feminist book that makes her realize the girls have been objectified by men their entire lives. Meanwhile, Jayla starts working at Barnacles and turns the bar into a borderline strip club.
Jul 24 2019
The girls get a taste of the privileged life when they visit a rich girl from high school, Breezy Lopez. Getting a glimpse of Breezy�s idyllic family makes Shelby realize the cracks in her relationship with her mom as they hunt down her drunk stepdad.
Jul 24 2019
When Shelby runs into Erica's deadbeat brother, Matty, she�s amazed to learn that church helped him completely clean up his life. Shelby then tricks the girls into going on a church trip, hoping it will inspire them to change, too.
Jul 17 2019
Once a month the girls go to a super fun, lively, predominately black BBQ called Chunky Sunday. When Jayla skips the BBQ for a chance to impress Harold at a fancy business luncheon, Kaitlin becomes desperate to find another black person to go with them, while Shelby struggles with feeling accepted.
Jul 17 2019
The girls� plan to take acid and go to the waterpark goes awry when they realize Shelby took their only car to her new job. Torn between being a good friend and a good student, Shelby must decide what�s more important.
Jul 10 2019
Pilot 1x01
Four girls in Clearwater, Florida are abandoned by their best friend when she moves out of their shared mobile home to start her career. In her absence, the girls struggle to pay their power bill while Shelby contemplates getting her GED.
Jul 10 2019