Tell Me Everything

Ended / 7:00pm ITVX 45 min.
16-year-old Jonny Murphy is trying his best to navigate through this world. Growing up hasn�t been easy, and although loved by his friends and family, Jonny suffers from undiagnosed depression and anxiety which he does his best to hide. So when he is faced with the most gut-wrenching tragedy, Jonny has to decide � is he going to let events overtake him or is he going to learn how to live?

Season 2

6 Episodes

Jonny fights to win Bex back while unaware of her secret, Dylan faces a huge decision about his future, and Naisha finds the strength to make a decision of her own..
Jun 06 2024
Bex quickly realises the price of popularity when a new best friend talks her into hosting a huge party, and Jonny throws himself into a kickboxing tournament.
Jun 06 2024
Dylan is excited by the return of his brother, but his suspicions grow about why he's really come home - meanwhile, Jonny finds himself distanced from Bex.
Jun 06 2024
Jonny is focused, energised and on top of the world, but an exam triggers a setback he didn't see coming - elsewhere, Bex meets with someone from her past.
Jun 06 2024
Naisha finds the double pressure of a health app and her parents too much to take, Jonny and Bex's romance starts badly, and Ella worries about her behaviour.
Jun 06 2024
Jonny has moved to a new town, made a fresh start at a new college and has a whole new group of friends, but now he is interested in another new student.
Jun 06 2024

Season 1

6 Episodes

After the attack, Mei wants to move back to Canada. Jonny makes a shocking discovery and Marcus decides he's not keen on Neve�s partying side.
Dec 08 2022
Regan struggles with the loss of control when her nan's care is taken over, and the gang goes to a careers fair, where Neve sees Marcus in a new light.
Dec 08 2022
Neve�s sister Timmi comes to stay while their parents are away. Jonny is avoiding Mei and Neve is relieved that he is moving on, but events take a dramatic turn.
Dec 08 2022
Louis wants to lose his virginity and Jonny gives him advice, but when the moment comes, it isn't exactly how he planned. Neve realises she has feelings for Jonny.
Dec 08 2022
Mei gets closer to Jonny, but is hiding behind a big lie, while Louis has a house party and falls for Zia. The gang go clubbing and Mei�s behaviour get Neve into hot water.
Dec 08 2022
Death, drugs... destruction? It's the drama the critics adore. Step into the complicated world of 16-year-old Jonny as he attempts to navigate life after a gut-wrenching tragedy.
Dec 08 2022